
maandag 7 november 2011

nestproject in Loydhotel release: boxXshop
by Changfang Luo

The official flyer
boxXshop is a very special 180 minutes Christmas market on the 1th of December inside Lloyd Hotel Amsterdam. 30 gift shops with great variety will pop-up and bring you limited edition handmade gifts for Sinterklaas and Christmas.

30 artists, makers and designers will offer you diverse Christmas gifts.
This pop-up shop is created collaboratively by 30 artists, makers and designers, who will offer you diverse goods ranging from jewelry, paper and craft, ceramics and pottery, delicatessen, crochet, to knitting. No commercial products; only personal cultures… and all presented in 40 different boxes. Thanks to our host Lloyd Hotel we don't have to produce boxes for this pop-up market, but we are allowed to squat their boxes (which are now the storage for their library). After the event, all the boxes will be re-installed as the library. #Cradle-to-cradle!
boxXshop is the place to be for you who fancy an alternative Christmas market, and who want to enjoying shopping and a delightful Thursday evening in a cozy place. You can find us on December 1, Thursday shopping night at Lloyd Hotel. We will be there from 6-9pm…See you then!?

woensdag 6 april 2011

Kwetsbaar maar Robuust in Kadmium Delft

Nieuw en oud werk in Kadmium DELFT
opening zaterdag 23 april 15.oo uur door Piet Augustijn, die ook het artikel in keramiek schreef over deze tentoonstelling en Brandpunt Terra.
De tentoonstelling in Kadmium duurt tot en met 29 mei 2011
zie ook:

foto's: Ron Zijlstra